Memorial to September 11, 2001 Tragedy
Support the fight against Breast Cancer
Support the fight against Breast Cancer
Safe Return
July 2005
Real Men Wear Flight Suits!
06 July 2005:

Raven27679:I am working now.  Woe to those who interrupt.  Hell awaits thee now!
Sculldog443:Dave, that was a Haiku!

Liz:What are Universal Precautions?
Me:Everyone has AIDS!
Everyone has AIDS!

Liz:What do you do to treat shock?
Me:Do not under any circumstances insert your fingers into the vagina.  Oh, sorry.  I was reading ahead to childbirth section.
Liz:Well, I suppose that it applies to treating shock as well.

Otis:Jess, are you in shock?
12 July 2005:

Ashley:I'm seven!  My birthday is March 19th and my friend's birthday is March 20th.
Me:I had a friend who's birthday is the day after mine.  But he's in jail now.
Linda:Change the subject, NOW!!!

Me:Yeah, I get that way sometimes.  I mean, I think it's natural for any man to feel a little jealous in that kind of situation; at least for a moment or
two.  But then my brain kicks in and says, "Shutup, reproductive organs!  Your only purpose is to produce sperm!  Leave the thinking to me
before you mess things up again!"

Me:Why don't you want to put sunblock on little Emma?  Is she fat or something?  Does she have a grotesque body hair problem?

Me (With respect to Monty Python):No, on second thought, let's not go to Cedar Lake.  'Tis a silly place.
24 July 2005:

Jojo:Is Bill coming?
Dad:Nah, Bill will come up with some kinda crazy excuse to get out of it.  "Nah, I gotta make tomorrow's coffee today.  It's gotta taste like crap,
otherwise they'll keep coming back wanting to talk to me!"
"Hey, this coffee tastes like crap!"
"I don't need to take that!  Get the hell outta here!  Another successful day!"

Kathy:Mike just got back from Iraq!
Winnie:Oh, my goodness!  How was it?
Dad:It was a lotta fun!  More people should go!
26 July 2005:

Dad:Matt doesn't have water in his apartment in Waterford.
Erin:There's no water in Waterford?

(About March 14):
Otis: Let's just say that it involves two different things that fill your stomach!
Mere:  And they're good for you?
Me:  Well, they're good for us.

Stone:  Dude, I just saw his butt!

Tina:I have a present for you!
Me:If it's another dead animal I'm going to be very unhappy.

Me (Outside of the Town Hall):Look, Pal, I really don't care that you're running for First Selectman and let me tell you why:  First of all, I don't like
you.  Second, you have no experience in politics or any kind of qualifications to speak of.  Third, the only reason
that you're running is because you're upset about the taxes going up.  And fourth, I have a dinner date and
a fillet mignon waiting for me on the other side of town.  So if you would kindly stop bothering me and go procreate
with yourself I would really appreciate it.
30 July 2005:

Me:Tina, you fat lard, come get some ham!