October 2005
09 October 2005:


NYRBRY98:Found:  10 year old DARE shirt from 6th grade.
Realization:  God we looked gay on the new york city trip with that flaboyant rainbow swirl lettering.

LadynTramplk:you see BU kids wearing BU stuff ALL the time
LadynTramplk:it's like they don't own any other clothes
LadynTramplk:and they act like idiots

Julie's Profile:Top ten things nurses say at work that Laypeople can't say:
1.  I have to stick this up your rectum.
2.  I need some of your urine.
3.  I'm going to take some of your blood.
4.  Breathe this in and hold it.
5.  You have to swallow it.
6.  I'm going to tie you down, it's for your own good.
7.  We'll inject this into your body, and then take some pictures.
8.  Ma'am, I'm going to examine your breasts.
9.  I'm going to rub this into your bottom.
10.  I didn't like his heart rhythm, so I shocked him.

Randa's Profile:*10 reasons to date a lady laxer*
1.  We know how to handle balls
2.  We have great shaft control
3.  We wear goggles in case we have to take a shot in the face
4.  We always want to score
5.  We have no boundaries as to where you can go
6.  We love to double team
7.  We always give you a good workout
8.  We usually wear nothing under our skirts
9.  We keep it going for at least 50 minutes
10.  We can do it in 12 different positions

Taco Bell Commercial:People everywhere are noticing a strange breakthrough...
Man in Commercial:I'M FULLLLLLLLLLL!!!!
Me: Not for long, buddy.

Julie's Profile:"Save a plane... ride an airman"  compliments of C/Matt Scully

Hell Hampster 21:hey
Hell Hampster 21:guess what
Sculldog443:you're getting married?
Hell Hampster 21:yup
Hell Hampster 21:good guess

Kolibri2005:luvyou2 <3
Sculldog443my name is not Less Than Three!
Kolibri2005:::sigh:: I just can't win.  I love you MATTHEW SCULLY!!!
Sculldog443:i love you too :-D
18 October 2005:

Fortune Cookie:Someone from your past has returned to steal your heart.

Cadet Mahaney:If you encounter two or more assholes in one day, look in the mirror and you'll see yet another!

BobB2325:  when i see the word badonkadonk, i think of a huge fat black ass

Timmy (over the radio):Wide Hole to Big Cock, come in Big Cock!
30 October 2005:

Amanda's Profile:
How many girls can say...
1) Their boyfriend always smells good
2) Their boyfriend spends obscene amounts of money on them, even though he pays for everything himself, has less money than them, knows it, and hardly gets treated to anything in return.
3) Their boyfriend is as patient as a saint, very understanding and sensitive.
4) Their boyfriend has never, ever pressured them sexually.
5) They can tell their boyfriend absolutely everything without being afraid.
6) Their boyfriend has sexy summer/autumn hair.
7) Their boyfriend has the most gorgeous face ever.
8) Their boyfriend truly believes them to be the most beautiful woman in the world.
9) Their boyfriend will do crazy things like swim in flooded lakes in October just for the hell of it.
10) Their boyfriend is all and more that they could ever have dreamed, and they are the most lucky woman in the world.

Only one: me!!!!

I love you, Matt.

~Awwwwww, isn't that sweet?

Heather's Profile:
I am at a loss for words here
I hate to break this to you but being a coward is not a legitimate career
Ten bucks says you don’t have it in you
To conquer fear and quit believing what they tell you to
You are careening shamelessly into oblivion
Where you will live alone with your chemicals and gin
We were born and raised the same way
So what gives you the right so say?
(At least I’m not a lie)
We were born and raised the same way
So what gives you the right so say?
At least I’m not a lie
At least I’m not a cheat
At least I don’t care what these goddamn mindless people think of me
Ten bucks says you don’t have it in you
To conquer fear and quit believing what they tell you to
You are careening shamelessly into oblivion
Where you will live alone with your chemicals and gin
(We were born and raised the same way
So what gives you the right so say?)